PROSUS is a university project that was part of a ergonomics course during the foundation of my BA.

Walking frames often show several problems concerning health and security. PROSUS supports its user to walk more upright. It also has a new braking system integrated into the handlebars, that is much easier to use and much more secure.
The development of PROSUS started as part of a second year university project in a course about ergonomic product design. Observations and interviews with users, physical therapists, homes for elderly people and other stakeholders revealed many problems within current conventional products on the market and showed a high potential in creating a new solution.
Our main motivation was to design a walking frame which should improve the situation of users in different functions regarding health and safety, but also increase the joy of use in an aesthetic way. The goal was to create a walking frame that should not just be better but fundamentally new.
The development of the aesthetics of PROSUS followed two main sources of inspiration. One influence for the design was inspired by racing bikes which represent mobility, activity and lifestyle. Often used means are a change of material, wide but thin parts, big chamfers, a mix between softness and edges. The other design motivation was the world of rather simple furniture, such as chairs that relate to walking frames by size and structure, also concerning the integration of the frame at home. Both worlds influence the design in their functions in between mobility and statics.
PROSUS was featured on Yanko Design and got published in the new edition of `Creative Product Sketching`. 


Concept: Manuel Hess, Thomas Ward, Steffen Weiss
Research and prototyping: Manuel Hess and Steffen Weiss
Scribbles and sketches: Manuel Hess and Steffen Weiss
3D modeling and rendering: Manuel Hess
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